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a.Contains(b) -> boolean

Returns true if the a contains the given b.

  • If a is an Array, returns true if b is an element of the Array.
  • If a is a Map, returns true if b is a value in the Map.
  • If a is a Range, returns true if b is a number within the Range.
  • If a is a Category, returns true if b is a subset or equal to a.
  • If a is a Flag, returns true if b is a subset or equal to a.
  • If a is a String, returns true if b is a substring of a.

In all other cases, returns false.


x.CountBits -> number
CountBits(x) -> number

Returns the number of bits set in the input. The input must be a Flag or Category, unless it is nullish, in which case this function returns undefined.


x.IsEmpty -> boolean
IsEmpty(x) -> boolean

Returns true if the value is empty, false otherwise. A value is empty if it is:

  • null or undefined
  • false
  • 0
  • @(0,0)
  • a String of length 0
  • an Array, Map or Range with no elements


x.Length -> value
Length(x) -> value

Returns the length of x.

  • If x is a V2, returns the length of the vector.
  • If x is an Array, returns the number of elements.
  • If x is a Map, returns the number of key-value pairs.
  • If x is a Range, returns the number of steps in the range.
  • If x is a String, returns the number of characters. Note that this requires iterating through the string as characters are stored as UTF-8, and so the time taken for this calculation is proportional to the length of the string.
  • Otherwise, returns undefined.


x.OrDefault(default) -> value

Returns the first argument if it is not undefined, otherwise returns the second argument.


a.Overlaps(b) -> boolean

Returns true if the a and b have any elements in common.

  • If a and b are both Categories, returns true if they have any categories in common.
  • If a and b are both Flags, returns true if they have any values in common.
  • Otherwise, returns false.