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await AfterGameCommenced

Waits until the game has commenced. If the game has already commenced, returns immediately. See CommenceGame.


await AfterGameConcluded

Waits until the game has concluded. If the game has already concluded, returns immediately. See ConcludeGame.



Marks this moment as the start point of the game. Replays will start from this point. Spectators will also be preferentially assigned to a game that has commenced.

This function will also lock the game (same as calling LockGame), preventing new human players from joining, unless the noLock parameter is truthy.



Marks this moment as the end point of the game. Replays will end at this point. Spectators will automatically be reassigned to another game once the game they are watching has concluded.


CurrentReplayId -> string

Returns a string containing the unique ID for the current game. This can be used with a ReplayIntent to watch a replay of the current game. Only games that involve the server will have a replay. The server is involved in any game where maxHumanPlayers is set, even if it is set to 1. If the server is not recording a replay of the game, returns null.

await CurrentReplayId -> string

Waits for the replay ID of the current game to change, then returns the new ID. This does not currently happen in any situation but is reserved for future use.


await FetchUserEpisodeHistory([userId], limit?=) -> episodes

This function is only available from within a page. If called inside a game, it will just return an empty Array.

Returns an Array containing up to limit entries of the most recent published episodes for a user. Each element in the Array will be a Map representing one episode. The data is whatever was passed into PublishUserEpisode at the time the episode was published, and so is entirely defined by you.

  • userId is the user to fetch the episode history for. If nullish, returns undefined.
  • limit is capped at 100, which is also the default value.


GameCommenced -> boolean

Returns whether the game has commenced or not. See CommenceGame.

await GameCommenced -> boolean

Waits until the GameCommenced property changes, then returns the new value.


GameConcluded -> boolean

Returns whether the game has concluded or not. See ConcludeGame.

await GameConcluded -> boolean

Waits until the GameConcluded property changes, then returns the new value.


GameStartTimestamp -> timestamp

Returns a timestamp representing the date and time the current game started.


owner.PublishUserEpisode(pastEpisode?) -> string

Publishes the current game episode to a particular user's episode history. The episode can be retrieved in future games or on pages using FetchUserEpisodeHistory.

The pastEpisode argument must be a Map containing the data to be published. It is up to you as the game developer to choose what data to store that is relevant to your game, but you likely want to store a list of players in the game, and perhaps who is the winner. All values inside the Map must be Serializable, if they are not, an error string will be returned.

The episode data must not exceed a total of 4 KB. If it does, the episode will not be published and an error string will be returned.

If there are no errors, the function will return null.


ReplayIntent(episodeId, showOnlyIfExists?=) -> intent

Returns an intent to watch the replay for a particular episode. Attach the intent to a button Button to trigger it.

  • episodeId (String): The identifier of the episode to replay. If this is nullish, the intent will make the button disabled. This must have come from CurrentReplayId in either the current or a previous game.
  • showOnlyIfExists (Boolean): The button will only be shown if the replay actually exists. It may take a second or two to verify that the replay exists and so there will be a short delay before showing the button. This is useful in historical lists of replays where some of the replays may have expired already.


SpectateIntent -> intent

Returns an intent to go to the spectate interface for your game. The spectate interface allows people to watch live games. Intents can be triggered by a button Button press.