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collection.All -> boolean

Returns true if all elements in the collection are truthy, otherwise false. If the collection is empty, returns true. If given a value that is not an array or map, returns whether the value is truthy.


collection.Any -> boolean

Returns true if any elements in the collection are truthy, otherwise false. If the collection is empty, returns false. If given a value that is not an array or map, returns whether the value is truthy.


collection.Clear -> collection

Removes all elements from a collection. If given a value that is not an array or map, returns the original value unchanged.


collection.Filter |element| { } -> array

Returns a new array containing all elements of the collection for which the predicate returns true. If the collection is empty, returns an empty array. If collection is not an array, map or range, returns undefined.


collection.FindMax -> number

Returns the largest element in the collection, ignoring null and undefined values. If the collection is empty, returns undefined. If collection is not an array or map, returns the original value unchanged.


collection.FindMin -> number

Returns the smallest element in the collection, ignoring null and undefined values. If the collection is empty, returns undefined. If collection is not an array or map, returns the original value unchanged.


collection.Map |element| { } -> array

Returns a new array containing the results of applying the selector to each element of the collection. If collection is not an array, map or range, returns undefined.


map.MapKeys -> keys

Returns a view of the keys of the given map. This can be used in most situations where an array is expected, for example in a for loop. If given a value that is not a map, returns undefined.


map.MapValues -> values

Returns a view of the values of the given map. This can be used in most situations where an array is expected, for example in a for loop. If given a value that is not a map, returns undefined.


collection.MaxBy |element| { } -> value

Returns the maximum value in an array, using the result of the selector function. The selector is a function that takes an element of the collection and returns a value. The selector is called for each element of the collection.

If collection is nullish, returns undefined.


collection.MinBy |element| { } -> value

Returns the minimum value in an array, using the result of the selector function. The selector is a function that takes an element of the collection and returns a value. The selector is called for each element of the collection. If selector returns undefined for any element, that element is skipped.

If collection is nullish, returns undefined.


collection.OrderBy |element| { } -> array

Sorts the elements of an array in ascending order, returning a new sorted array and leaving the original unchanged. The selector is a function that takes an element of the collection and returns a value to sort by. The selector is called for each element of the collection.

If collection is nullish, returns undefined.


collection.OrderByDesc |element| { } -> array

Sorts the elements of an array in descending order, returning a new sorted array and leaving the original unchanged. The selector is a function that takes an element of the collection and returns a value to sort by. The selector is called for each element of the collection.

If collection is nullish, returns undefined.


this?.PickRandom(collection) -> element

Returns a random element from the given collection.

  • this (Entity): Determine's which entity's random number generator to use. If nullish, uses World. This is optional and is only used to help increase stability if a network rollback occurs.
  • collection (Array, Map, or Range): The collection to pick from. If nullish, returns undefined.


collection.Pop -> element

Removes the last element from a collection and returns it. If the collection is empty, returns undefined.

If collection is an array, the last element is removed and returned. If collection is a map, the last key-value pair is removed and returned as an array. Otherwise, does nothing and returns undefined.


collection.Push(value) -> collection

Adds an element to the end of a collection and returns the modified collection.

  • If collection is an array, value is added as a new element.
  • If collection is a map, value is expected to be an array of key-value pairs, and each pair is added to the map. Or if value is another map, all entries are added to the collection map.
  • Otherwise, returns the original collection unchanged.


Range(from, to) -> range

Returns a range representing all integers between from and to (exclusive). If to is less than or equal to from, returns an empty range.


RangeInclusive(from, to) -> range

Returns a range representing all integers from from to to (inclusive). If to is less than from, returns an empty range.


this?.Shuffle(array) -> array

Shuffles an array in place. Returns the shuffled array.

  • this (Entity): Determine's which entity's random number generator to use. If nullish, uses World. This is optional and is only used to help increase stability if a network rollback occurs.
  • array (Array): The array to shuffle. If nullish, returns undefined.


collection.Sort -> collection

Sorts the elements of an array in ascending order. The array is modified in place. It is returned to allow for chaining. If the collection is not an array, it is returned unchanged.


SortDesc(collection) -> collection

Sorts the elements of an array in descending order. The array is modified in place. It is returned to allow for chaining. If the collection is not an array, it is returned unchanged.


collection.Sum -> number

Returns the sum of all numbers in the collection. All non-number elements are ignored. If the collection is empty, returns 0. If collection is not a collection, returns the original value if it is a number, otherwise returns 0.


collection.VectorSum -> vector

Returns the sum of all Vector elements in the collection. All non-Vector elements are ignored. If the collection is empty, returns @(0,0). If collection is not a collection, returns the original value if it is a Vector, otherwise returns @(0,0).