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Return Values

A function may return zero or more values using the return keyword. The return values must be specified in the function signature after the -> symbol. When a return statement is executed, the function immediately exits and the outputs are returned.

fn FunctionWithReturnValue() -> name {
return "Augustus"
fn Example() {
let name = FunctionWithReturnValue

Multiple return values

A function may return multiple values. When returning multiple values, the return keyword must be followed by a comma-separated list of identifiers.

fn GiveMeAPerson() -> name, age {
return "Augustus", 25
fn Example() {
let name, age = GiveMeAPerson

If more values are returned than needed, only the first value or first few values will be used, the rest will be ignored.

fn GiveMeAPerson() -> name, age {
return "Augustus", 25
fn Example() {
let contents = [GiveMeAPerson, "Fred"] // contents is ["Augustus", "Fred"]
let name = GiveMeAPerson // name is "Augustus" (age is ignored)

Multiple return values allow you to return additional auxiliary values that can be ignored when not needed. Some examples of this from Easel's built-in function library include PickRandom or QueryNearestAlongRay.