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Publishing Your Game

When you make a game with Easel, you can instantly publish your game onto the internet and make it available to the whole world. Easel takes care of all the servers, so you can focus on making your game.

To Publish your game, simply click the Publish button at the top of the screen in the Easel game editor. Fill out the details, click Publish and your game will be live on the internet. Time to share the URL with your friends or on social media so people can play your game!

Game Management

Once you have published your game, you can manage it from within the game editor. Simply open the game editor and from the list of games, click the cog icon next to one of the games to enter its Game Management page. This is where you can modify various settings of your game. If you are in the middle of editing the source code for a game, you will first need to close your current project in order to access the list of games.


When you publish your game, Easel will automatically take care of hosting all of your game's assets (images, sounds, music, videos). Easel will host your small assets for free (up to 32 KB each), but anything larger will require a paid subscription. You will find that by using small file formats like svg for visuals and esfx for sounds, you can actually make entire games that are free to host.

Remixing and assets

When you have chosen to remix another game, you are allowed to use any assets from the original game in your remix for free. Your easel.toml file contains a [remix_of] lists which game(s) you are remixing. This is automatically populated when you remix a game.


Normally when you publish an Easel game, it will be given a URL that is a subpath of, for example

You might want to host your game on a subdomain of, for example as it will be easier for your players to remember. You can do this from the URL tab of Game Management. Subdomains are only available to paid subscribers.

Team members

You can allow other people to help you manage your game by giving them roles.

  • The Moderator role allows someone to ban players.
  • The Editor role allows someone to publish new versions of the game, in addition to all Moderator permissions.
  • The Administrator role allows someone to change the roles of other people, in addition to all Editor permissions.

Team members must have a registered username on Easel in order to be added to your game. You can direct someone to to create an account and register their username. Then you can go to the Players tab of Game Management, lookup their profile using their username, and click Manage Access to grant them a role.