An accumulator
is a special type of field that can store a sortable number on a player entity
persistently between games. It is used for generating ranked leaderboards.
pub accumulator owner.NumLifetimeGames
pub game fn World.Main() {
SpawnEachPlayer owner {
NumLifetimeGames(delta=1, showOnLeaderboard=true)
pub page fn owner.HomePage() {
Content {
P { "Loading leaderboard..." }
let leaderboard = await FetchLeaderboard([&NumLifetimeGames])
Content {
for player in leaderboard %%{
P {
%(player.PlayerName + " has played " + player.NumLifetimeGames + " games")
Every accumulator must have an object parameter, and the object parameter must be owner
representing the player who owns the accumulator.
The accumulator's name must begin with an uppercase letter.
accumulator owner.NumLifetimeGames
An accumulator may optionally be given an initial value.
accumulator owner.Rating = 1000
Accumulators can be declared as public using the pub
which allows them to be accessed from all files in the program.
Otherwise they are private and can only be accessed from within the same file.
It is not possible to have two accumulators with the same name, even if they are both private and in separate files.
Doing so will generate a compiler error.
This is because the accumulator name forms a globally unique key
which is used to look up the value from persistent storage.
pub accumulator owner.NumLifetimeGames = 0
Reading an accumulator
An accumulator can be read the same way as any other property:
let value = Rating // implicit object
let value = owner.Rating // or explicit object
The object parameter owner
must be either a player entity,
or one of the map
entries returned by FetchLeaderboard
It is possible to await
on an accumulator to detect when it changes.
Like all other await
functions, it is possible to use with
, on
or once
to handle the change.
with Rating {
Transmission {
P { "Your current rating: " + Rating }
Modifying an accumulator
Accumulators can are modified by calling them as a function.
Let's say we have defined an accumulator called ExampleAccumulator1
pub accumulator owner.ExampleAccumulator1 = 0
can be called as a function to increase, decrease or overwrite its value.
The signature for calling an accumulator is as follows:
owner.ExampleAccumulator1(overwrite?, delta?, revertAfter?, resetAfter?, resetInterval?, showOnLeaderboard?)
(Entity): must refer to the player entity that owns the accumulator. If it is nullish, will do nothing.overwrite
(Number): if specified, will set the accumulator to this value. Overwriting an accumulator's value cancels all scheduled changes to the accumulator, for example from therevertAfter
(Number): if specified, will increase or decrease the accumulator by this amount.revertAfter
(Number): if specified, will revert the delta after this duration. This would normally be specified in minutes, hours or days. For example30m
. Reversions are processed once every minute by the server, and so any duration smaller than that will not happen exactly on time. The maximum allowable value is365d
, any values larger than this will be clamped. AsrevertAfter
is processed by the server, if it occurs while a player is in a game, the player will only see the new value upon joining a new game.resetAfter
(Number): Schedules the accumulator to be reset to its initial value after this duration. A nullish value means the accumulator will never be reset to its initial value. This replaces any previously-defined scheduled reset. This parameter would normally be specified in minutes, hours or days. For example30m
. The maximum allowable value is365d
, any values larger than this will be clamped. Resets are processed once every minute by the server, and so any duration smaller than that will not happen exactly on time. AsresetAfter
is processed by the server, if a reset occurs while a player is in a game, they will only see the new value upon joining a new game.resetInterval
(Number): Schedules the accumulator to be reset to its initial value after this duration. If there is already a reset scheduled, this does nothing unless the new interval is shorter. If this parameter is nullish, deletes any previously-defined scheduled reset. This can be used to create a daily or weekly leaderboard, for example. This parameter would normally be specified in minutes, hours or days. For example30m
. The maximum allowable value is365d
, any values larger than this will be clamped. AsresetInterval
is processed by the server, if a reset occurs while a player is in a game, they will only see the new value upon joining a new game.showOnLeaderboard
(Boolean or Number): if specified, will include the player in any calls to FetchLeaderboard for this duration. Iftrue
, will show on the leaderboard permanently. If a Number, will show on the leaderboard for that duration.
Setting an accumulator's value
If you simply want to just set the accumulator to a specific value,
without using any of the other extended parameters,
you can simply use an assignment (=
) statement:
owner.ExampleAccumulator1 = 123
Setting an accumulator this way removes any scheduled resets, reversions and leaderboard visibility.
It is equivalent to calling the accumulator with the overwrite
but with revertAfter
, resetAfter
, resetInterval
and showOnLeaderboard
set to null
In general, if you are wanting to adjust an accumulator's value by a specific amount,
you should call it with a delta
instead, because that guarantees that no data is lost
if multiple changes to the accumulator are made at the same time.
Resetting an accumulator's value
To reset an accumulator to its initial state,
use the delete
delete owner.ExampleAccumulator1
This not only sets the accumulator to its initial value, it also removes any scheduled resets, reversions and leaderboard visibility.
When modifying an accumulator by calling it as a function,
there is a showOnLeaderboard
parameter, which determines whether
the player will be included when in the leaderboard for that particular accumulator.
If the showOnLeaderboard
parameter is set to true
or false
, the player will be included or excluded
from the leaderboard permanently until the value is changed.
However, it is also possible to limit the player to be shown on the leaderboard for a particular duration
by passing a duration value to the showOnLeaderboard
Players are expired from the leaderboard every minute by the server,
and so durations much smaller than one minute will not happen exactly on time.
// add 5 rating, and show on leaderboard forever
Rating(delta=5, showOnLeaderboard=true)
// add 5 rating, and show on leaderboard for 30 days
Rating(delta=5, showOnLeaderboard=30d)
The FetchLeaderboard function is used to retrieve a list of players sorted by their accumulator values. It takes a list of accumulators to order by. The player must be included in the leaderboard for the first accumulator to be included in the list. The remaining accumulators are only used as tiebreakers. The leaderboard is always sorted from highest to lowest.
returns an array
of map
where each map contains a PlayerName
and UserId
as well as a field for each accumulator.
let leaderboard = await FetchLeaderboard([&Rating])
for player in leaderboard %%{
P {
%(player.PlayerName + " has " + player.Rating + " rating and " + player.NumLifetimeGames + " games")
The Scoreboard function causes the game to display a list of currently online players and their accumulators.
pub game fn World.Main() {
StatusContent {
H3 { "Most Games" }