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Make games with EaselEasel

Easel is a 2D game programming language with multiplayer baked in.
Code multiplayer like singleplayer!

Effortless multiplayer

With Easel, you can code as if all your players are inside one shared game world. Easel takes care of all the hard stuff like networking and synchronization, completely automatically!

Understandable code

Easel's hierarchical programming language, along with its entities and behaviors model, allow you to express your game logic in a clear and concise way. You will be more productive and have more fun with Easel!


Easel is a great choice for your first programming language because its powerful enough to be interesting, but simple enough to be accessible. Plus, making multiplayer games is motivating because you can share what you make with friends!

Code multiplayer like singleplayer

Making games is fun, but it is even more fun when you can play them with other people! Unfortunately, online multiplayer games are difficult to make. They require managing synchronization, authorities and prediction. That is a lot of work when you just want to get straight into making a game!

Multiplayer is baked in to the Easel programming language. Code as if all your players are inside one shared game world, and Easel will take care of the rest. Not only does Easel make multiplayer effortless, Easel's advanced rollback netcode implementation will give your game a smooth and responsive multiplayer experience, even with players across the globe.

With Easel, making a multiplayer game is as easy as making a singleplayer game!

A programming language for humans

Most game engines require you to organize code for the computer that runs it, not for the humans who read it. They normally use a frame-by-frame update model, which requires you to unnaturally split up your code into per-frame state machines that can be hard to follow.

Easel games are organised as hierarchies of entities with their event-driven behaviors, all executing concurrently. You separate each independent stream of logic into its own behavior, which you can write in a straightforward step-by-step way.

Easel code can be much easier to follow than traditional game engine code. Beginners will find it easier to approach and experiment with, while experienced programmers will be much more productive thanks to its clarity.

If you are an experienced programmer, you may enjoy reading the Key Concepts page for a more in-depth look at the unique features of Easel's programming language.

From start to finish

Easel is a fully-featured end-to-end system for making games. It includes all the subsystems you need to make a 2D game, including graphics, audio, physics, and more. There is an online game editor that lets you create and edit your game immediately without any setup. Then once you've made your game, you can instantly make it available to the world. Easel's servers will host your game and make it available to anyone with a web browser.

Easel makes a great learning tool for first-time coders because it has everything you need to make a game in one place. If you are an experienced developer, you can use your own external editor and tools to work with Easel, while enjoying all the benefits of Easel's multiplayer and hosting features.